Author Title
Aphra Bern Oroonoko
Aristophanes Lysistrata
Rainer Maria Rilke Selected Poems
Philip Roth Portnoy's Complaint
Aimé Césaire Une tempête
Bruce Damer Avatars!
Margaret Thompson Drewal Yoruba Ritual
Sherry Turkle The Second Self
Richard Hell & Christopher Wool Psychopts
David Ogilvy On Advertising
Richard Prince Jokes Gangs Hoods
Yasaburo Kuwayama Trademarks and Symbols Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
Ursula Andkjaer Olsen Outgoing Vessel
Edward Castronova Exodus to the Virtual World
Marcus Brutus The Uhmericans
Donella H. Meadows Thinking in Systems
Frank Slootman Amp it Up
Richard P. Feynman Feynman Lectures on Computation
Byung-Chul Han Non-things
R. Buckminster Fuller with Jerome Age and Quentin Fiore I Seem To Be a Verb
Nikolai Gogol The Nose and Other Stories
Ezra Pound Selected Cantos
T.S. Eliot Selected Poems
William Faulkner The Sound and The Fury
Ivan Turgenev A Month in the Country
Theodore John Kaczynski Technological Slavery
Antonin Artaud Le Théâtre et son double
W. David Marx Status and Culture
Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logi